Monday 26 November 2012

evaluation of concept art (character)

this is my self evaluation of my concept art for character design, in this report i will compare my finished piece against the piece that inspired it which was created by a professional concept artist. the profession artists piece was done for a game called metal gear solid and is entitled cyber ninja (the character is a robotic ninjas) 

this is my final character piece as you can see he resembles a solider with futurist equipment however allot of the design of the gear is based on equipment that is around today or went out of fashion many years ago. i designed my character to give the person looking at the art a sense of fear as the base of the character is a arachnid.
the face mask:
the face mask is based on two things, the first of which is a ballistic face mask that is designed to protect the users face from low caliber rounds. the ballistic face mask also strikes fear into the enemy this is the reason i chose it for the base of the face mask. the eyes of the mask as you can see have the same lay out as a spiders however the eyes them self are based the lenses from a Russian gas mask nicknamed the bug eyes.
the spider limb styled blades:
the blades that surround my character are based on the medevil scythes the reason i chose this design was for two main reasons the first reason in they look very mechanical and spider like which gives my character a robotic feel. the second reason is the scythe is the symbol for death and is most famously carried by the grim reaper the entertie that take you from this life to the next.  not only is it the symbol of death the fact that they are overly side sharp blades similar to the cyber ninjas sword make them give off the same message.
my characters clothes:
my character clothes are based on special forces standard gear however because this character is going to just be a standard solider unlike the cyber which is one of a kind ive made his clothes look mass produced by reducing the complication of the design ( the bottoms have just got flaps for shin guards instead of having armor built into them and the knee guards are just strap on ones instead of having them woven into the trousers)

good points:
the first thing that i am most proud of about my piece is the scale, scale and proportions of object and characters is not one of my strengths however in this case after allot of trail and error i got the character in the right prospective and in the right proportions. the second part of the image that i am proud of is the light shading on one side to give the character a 3d feel similar to the shading on the cyber ninja.

bad points:
one of the main bad points about my piece is the feeling it gives off as even though the mask and outfit its self is quite intimidating the hands of the figure are to close to his crest giving off the impression that he is being defensive and not aggressive, as you can see with the cyber ninja his body is more spread out giving a feeling of dominance and power.

if i were to redo or remaster my character to improve it i would put him in a more dominant stance with his arms further forward to show that he is character not to be taken lightly within a game.

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