Saturday 24 November 2012

6 credit card sketches and refined sketch(object)

these are my six credit card sketches for my object piece.

i have decided to make my object a futuristic duelling pistol, i started by taking a standard duelling pistol with a noise enhancer and magazine but i though this was not modifying the base design enough. in my second design i based the pistol around modern person protection machine pistols but again i thought this wasn't taking the design far enough. finally by my third attempt i started using more modern  curves in my design and  i continued to do so until the last sketch where i based the design on a double barrelled shot gun. 
threw out the sketches i made many different alterations to the design of the firing mechanism going from a simple flint system, then a clock and finally a energy core.
this is my refined sketch i took elements from sketches 4 5 and 6 and refined them to show more detail and implement them more effectively.

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