Tuesday 20 November 2012

art that inspired me (object)

Christian Schwager:

reference: http://community.imaginefx.com/members/schwager.aspx
this is one of chrisian scwager's concept art pieces that he submitted for a concept art competition, the reason this piece of work inspires me is the style of shading which gives off a realistic effect while still holding the cartoon steam-punk look.  another aspect about this image that inspires me is the level of very subtle detail even though the object its self is very simple (if you look around the barrel there are golden flames engraved around the base however on closer inspection it is clear these flames have some form as they are effect by the light and cast shadows)
the only part of this image i would change is the colour scheme which makes the style less realistic, to improve this i would use more natural colours such as silver and textures like glossed wood.

the object i have chosen to base my object on is a well crafted duelling pistol, the reason i have chosen this weapon is because of the legendary level of craftsmanship and detail that they used to have put into them even though they only served one purpose.

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